Friday, October 9, 2009

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

It is an out of reality experience. Is that why people go to movies? To see what they cannot see in their everyday lives. To get caught up in a plot for a moment in time. These are some of the reasons why I watch movies. To escape from reality for awhile. My favorite escape would have to be the action thriller film genre.
In action films fighting, explosions, fire, guns, and special effects are all expected. They usually involve a plot line that puts a hunt for the truth or vindication versus the villains of the film. The hero or heroes must defeat the villain and anyone who stands in their way. There can be a clash of titans or a peacemaker mytheme where the good must protect the weak.
There is an expectation of surprise and suspense in action thrillers. I do not enjoy action films along the lines of a movie like Rambo, with just loads of action and shooting. I like a thriller aspect to action films. Making an action film a thriller makes it more of who’s the real villain and where is the bad guy, along with the effects and fighting. Dialogue is a part of the story but isn’t the focus as in a drama film. A action film is also a more fast pace film.
I love explosions, fighting, and the fast pace nature of an action film. The action thriller genre keeps my attention, keeps me watching, and keeps me wondering what’s next.
Blockbuster movies are blockbusters given that people will go to the movies to see immense effects and action. At times directors relay too much on action and effects as in Transformers 2. I am a fan of the first Transformers but the second one lost a plausible plot for me. The focus was on the effects and how short Megan Fox’s shorts were. A dismal in distress or a female counterpart to the main character of an action film is also to be expected. I enjoyed The Dark Knight better. This movie had a great plot and great actors along with action.
The best picture winner at the academy awards usually isn’t my favorite movie of the year. Not to say that I do not enjoy a well written and acted movie. It’s just when asked what movie I want to watch my first choice would be something loud, exciting, and involving violence.
I am a girly girl in the sense that I love fashion and clothes but I despise pink and dislike chick flicks. I can keep a person on their toes,be assertive, and like to be on the move. The favorite film genre of a person in a sense can reflect the type of person they are.

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