Monday, October 26, 2009


The trend of teenage pregnancy shows a trend of education. This is referring to the original word educate was derived, educare which means to rear children. The word educate did not initially come from the word educere, to develop. While flipping through the pages of Keywords-A Vocabulary of Culture and Society by Raymond Williams, I came across a description of the word educated that was not what I expected.
To me the word educated means that one went to school and can read and write. As well as can live in society and know how to take care of themselves. The description in Keywords did seem to express that as well as discuss the over-educated and half-educated. There is a clear distinction between the educated and uneducated in society. Those who went to school those who did not. There is also a universal education. Schools around the world teach differently and some more or less rigorous than the next but all follow the same principals of education. Williams brought up the notion that over-educated people are needed to continue to specialize and distinguish education. He also believed that most people in Britain were uneducated or half-educated. He described intelligent as one who has a particular level of ability from everyone else’s ability.
I agree that intelligence is measured in ability but everyone can be intelligent and educated in different things. A person can be street smart but not as book smart and vice versa. The cost of a college education continues to rise. Is it worth it? Even if you are one of those people who do not try to use your degree for a career. I believe I am an educated person continuing my education in college. College not only provides education for careers but also social education. It has been said before but I believe it to be true, one is also learning, life is a learning experience. So educate yourself.

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