Monday, October 5, 2009

Do you have a multiple intelligence?

We may not all have multiple personalities but we all have multiple intelligences. Multiple intelligences are the ways that we prefer to learn and develop. I took the Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences test at
The findings we accurate to how I believe I learn best, what I like, and my personality.
The test evaluates one’s intelligence pertaining to seven types of intelligence on a scale of 0-40. The types are linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial-visual, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. My highest intelligence was musical with 34, followed by intrapersonal with 30, then interpersonal with 29. In Spatial-Visual, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and Linguistic I had a 26 with logical-mathematical being last with 23. I agree with the findings of the test.
Musical was highest and music is a tremendous passion of mine. The intelligence is described by having musical ability like musicians, singers, entertainers, and music producers do. Related tasks involved singing a song or reviewing a musical work. I believe I do have musical ability and awareness and can recognize tonal and rhythmic patterns. This intelligence can explain my passion for music and my career aspirations to be a part of the entertainment industry. I want to work with entertainers and be an entertainment journalist.
Intrapersonal was my second highest and I do believe that I am self-aware of my actions and how I am as a person. This intelligence is illustrated as the ability to understand one’s relationship to others and personal objectivity.
On the other hand interpersonal was my third highest right behind intrapersonal and I am self-aware but can also relate to others. I can understand the relationships between people and interpret people’s behaviors as the intelligence is explained. My career aspirations also include marketing and the reason why I am attracted to this profession could be explained by this intelligence. I believe I can figure out other’s feelings and wants and then market a product to them.
Linguistic follows and I believe I have this intelligence as well. What's more I also aspire to be in PR and an on-air entertainment journalist. These professions require skills in words and language. The related tasks include commentating on an event and applying a positive or negative spin on a story.
Spatial deals with visual learning and I am a very visual person. I prefer television news to newspapers and PowerPoint presentations to reading textbooks. With bodily-kinesthetic I do believe I have eye and body coordination. I was on my high school’s dance/step team but wasn't a part of a sports team. The closet I ever got was powder-puff football. I enjoy watching sports more than playing them although I will play a sport for fun.
I do believe that logical-mathematical should be last since I dislike the related activities and jobs. Being a scientist, engineer, or computer expert are not jobs for me. I can detect patterns and think of scientific reasoning for things at times but I do not analyze problems or perform mathematical calculations in my head easily. To the contrary math class was always an easy class for me. I just never did or wanted to do math outside of class.
The Gardner test was very accurate to my personality and how I prefer to learn. The test helps to explain my career ambitions. We all learn and develop differently. Everyone has a different personality. A weakness of one person can be a strength of another. In this sense we are all intelligent, in our own way.

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