Monday, October 26, 2009


The trend of teenage pregnancy shows a trend of education. This is referring to the original word educate was derived, educare which means to rear children. The word educate did not initially come from the word educere, to develop. While flipping through the pages of Keywords-A Vocabulary of Culture and Society by Raymond Williams, I came across a description of the word educated that was not what I expected.
To me the word educated means that one went to school and can read and write. As well as can live in society and know how to take care of themselves. The description in Keywords did seem to express that as well as discuss the over-educated and half-educated. There is a clear distinction between the educated and uneducated in society. Those who went to school those who did not. There is also a universal education. Schools around the world teach differently and some more or less rigorous than the next but all follow the same principals of education. Williams brought up the notion that over-educated people are needed to continue to specialize and distinguish education. He also believed that most people in Britain were uneducated or half-educated. He described intelligent as one who has a particular level of ability from everyone else’s ability.
I agree that intelligence is measured in ability but everyone can be intelligent and educated in different things. A person can be street smart but not as book smart and vice versa. The cost of a college education continues to rise. Is it worth it? Even if you are one of those people who do not try to use your degree for a career. I believe I am an educated person continuing my education in college. College not only provides education for careers but also social education. It has been said before but I believe it to be true, one is also learning, life is a learning experience. So educate yourself.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bourne not Bond

It’s Bourne, Jason Bourne. Yes I said Bourne not Bond. I love the spy action thriller. I prefer a former American assassin with amnesia hunting for his past and the people who used to control him rather than a glossy British secret agent. My favorite genre film would then have to be The Bourne Supremacy. The Bourne Supremacy is the second film in The Bourne Trilogy and I believe it is the best.
The film continues Jason Bourne hunt for the truth and who he really is while he is hunted by a Russian assassin as well as CIA deputy director Pamela Landy. She believes he killed some of her men.
The film involves the classic action movie mythemes of the quest and clash of the titans. Bourne may be only one person but he has excellent training.
There are all the expectations of an action film with fighting, guns, explosions, chases, and suspense. The chases are on foot or car chases. Elements of suspense are seen through Bourne always being on the run. Will he be caught, found, will he get to his enemies first, will he find the truth, will Pamela Landy find out the real truth.
I loved the fighting in this film. The fighting was more realistic and exciting. In one scene Bourne is in handcuffs but then knocks down two men and then escapes. The film in general was more realistic. There were no gadgets, men dressed in suits at fancy parties, or females always dressed in skimpy clothing. The women had power and were intelligent. The hunt for Bourne was conducted by a female. In addition I loved the chases and explosions as well. The chases kept the film in a fast pace character. This kept me watching. Every time I watch this film, which I have seen numerous times, I do not look away from the screen when the chases occur. I also liked the fact that the film’s setting was around the world. Being a spy movie a global setting is also to be expected. Bourne escapes from Italy to go to Germany and then to Paris then off to Russia where a huge car chase takes place to finally end up back in New York City.
The Bourne Supremacy has all of the elements of a spy action thriller that I enjoy from the fighting, quest for the truth, chases, and suspense all in a more realistic fast pace tone. Even Matt Damon, Jason Bourne himself, had said in an interview that it is hard to make a sequel that is better than the first but he thought they had. I agree with his statement. Without all the high-tech gadgets I think Bond is no match for Bourne, Jason Bourne.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Cyberpunk World

The world, this new world, this information crazed world is full of them. Cyberpunk describes a technology and future driven rebellion/attitude movement in the world today. This movement involves discovery, new technologies, and individualistic views of the non-conformist. Before reading Philip Elmer-Dewitt’s “Cyberpunk” and Timothy Leary’s “The Cyberpunk: The Individual as Reality Pilot” and “Evolution of Countercultures”, I had no idea what a cyberpunk was or described. After my reading I realized that the world today thrives on cyberpunks. Cyberpunk describes the world we live in today.
Stewart Brand, editor of Whole Earth Catalog expressed cyberpunk as “technology with attitude”. It is an “intersection of the future and now,” said Jude Milhon, a cyberpunk journalist. A “fusion of humans and machines” is what Rudy Rucker, a mathematician who also writes science-fiction books, described cyberpunk as.
Science-fiction goes along with cyberpunk. The term cyberpunk was used in the late 1980’s to describe a group of science-fiction writers. Cyberpunk is seen through literature to performance art such as the Blue Man Group to movies. The movies I-Robot and Artificial Intelligence involve the cyberpunk visions of machines, technological advances, and futuristic themes. As does the recent film Gamer where humans are controlled by other humans through mind-control technology.
Cyberpunk exists today with cyberspace. It is a medium of connection with others seen through social networks and dating sites. Cyberpunk and cyberspace are non-physical, global, and fast. We are an information society thus the internet is vital to us. People today live on their computers. Take college students for instance, the next generation that are or are evolving into cyberpunks. College students go to their computers to take classes, shop, email, or check their facebook. Facebook or surfing the internet sometimes distracts students from doing their work which can represent a punk or rebellious mind-set.
Cyberpunks have their own way of thinking from the norm. They like to stay ahead of the game which leads to their futuristic views of things.
Leary describes cyberpunks as people who think for themselves. They explore the possibilities of the future and collect information for they have a high-curiosity. They take part in innovation and change. Cyber means pilot. Cyberpunks use all available information to think for themselves and pilot their own lives. They are a “resourceful and skillful individual who accesses and steers technology and knowledge toward private goals.” Cyberpunks seek independence, not control over others. Inventors, free-agent scientists, hackers, and media explorers are examples of cyberpunks. They “steer their ideas out there where no thoughts have been.” They are open-minded people. In today’s society “creativity and mental excellence are the ethical norm” and will continue to be. The world continues to be “complex, dynamic, diversified, and cross-linked.”
Cyberpunks are driven by technology and the possibilities of tomorrow but are independent. They have control over their lives. As Dewitt put it, “...they realize if you don’t control technology, it will control you.” Nobody wants the Terminator movies to go from science fiction to reality.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

It is an out of reality experience. Is that why people go to movies? To see what they cannot see in their everyday lives. To get caught up in a plot for a moment in time. These are some of the reasons why I watch movies. To escape from reality for awhile. My favorite escape would have to be the action thriller film genre.
In action films fighting, explosions, fire, guns, and special effects are all expected. They usually involve a plot line that puts a hunt for the truth or vindication versus the villains of the film. The hero or heroes must defeat the villain and anyone who stands in their way. There can be a clash of titans or a peacemaker mytheme where the good must protect the weak.
There is an expectation of surprise and suspense in action thrillers. I do not enjoy action films along the lines of a movie like Rambo, with just loads of action and shooting. I like a thriller aspect to action films. Making an action film a thriller makes it more of who’s the real villain and where is the bad guy, along with the effects and fighting. Dialogue is a part of the story but isn’t the focus as in a drama film. A action film is also a more fast pace film.
I love explosions, fighting, and the fast pace nature of an action film. The action thriller genre keeps my attention, keeps me watching, and keeps me wondering what’s next.
Blockbuster movies are blockbusters given that people will go to the movies to see immense effects and action. At times directors relay too much on action and effects as in Transformers 2. I am a fan of the first Transformers but the second one lost a plausible plot for me. The focus was on the effects and how short Megan Fox’s shorts were. A dismal in distress or a female counterpart to the main character of an action film is also to be expected. I enjoyed The Dark Knight better. This movie had a great plot and great actors along with action.
The best picture winner at the academy awards usually isn’t my favorite movie of the year. Not to say that I do not enjoy a well written and acted movie. It’s just when asked what movie I want to watch my first choice would be something loud, exciting, and involving violence.
I am a girly girl in the sense that I love fashion and clothes but I despise pink and dislike chick flicks. I can keep a person on their toes,be assertive, and like to be on the move. The favorite film genre of a person in a sense can reflect the type of person they are.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Do you have a multiple intelligence?

We may not all have multiple personalities but we all have multiple intelligences. Multiple intelligences are the ways that we prefer to learn and develop. I took the Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences test at
The findings we accurate to how I believe I learn best, what I like, and my personality.
The test evaluates one’s intelligence pertaining to seven types of intelligence on a scale of 0-40. The types are linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial-visual, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. My highest intelligence was musical with 34, followed by intrapersonal with 30, then interpersonal with 29. In Spatial-Visual, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and Linguistic I had a 26 with logical-mathematical being last with 23. I agree with the findings of the test.
Musical was highest and music is a tremendous passion of mine. The intelligence is described by having musical ability like musicians, singers, entertainers, and music producers do. Related tasks involved singing a song or reviewing a musical work. I believe I do have musical ability and awareness and can recognize tonal and rhythmic patterns. This intelligence can explain my passion for music and my career aspirations to be a part of the entertainment industry. I want to work with entertainers and be an entertainment journalist.
Intrapersonal was my second highest and I do believe that I am self-aware of my actions and how I am as a person. This intelligence is illustrated as the ability to understand one’s relationship to others and personal objectivity.
On the other hand interpersonal was my third highest right behind intrapersonal and I am self-aware but can also relate to others. I can understand the relationships between people and interpret people’s behaviors as the intelligence is explained. My career aspirations also include marketing and the reason why I am attracted to this profession could be explained by this intelligence. I believe I can figure out other’s feelings and wants and then market a product to them.
Linguistic follows and I believe I have this intelligence as well. What's more I also aspire to be in PR and an on-air entertainment journalist. These professions require skills in words and language. The related tasks include commentating on an event and applying a positive or negative spin on a story.
Spatial deals with visual learning and I am a very visual person. I prefer television news to newspapers and PowerPoint presentations to reading textbooks. With bodily-kinesthetic I do believe I have eye and body coordination. I was on my high school’s dance/step team but wasn't a part of a sports team. The closet I ever got was powder-puff football. I enjoy watching sports more than playing them although I will play a sport for fun.
I do believe that logical-mathematical should be last since I dislike the related activities and jobs. Being a scientist, engineer, or computer expert are not jobs for me. I can detect patterns and think of scientific reasoning for things at times but I do not analyze problems or perform mathematical calculations in my head easily. To the contrary math class was always an easy class for me. I just never did or wanted to do math outside of class.
The Gardner test was very accurate to my personality and how I prefer to learn. The test helps to explain my career ambitions. We all learn and develop differently. Everyone has a different personality. A weakness of one person can be a strength of another. In this sense we are all intelligent, in our own way.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Black is the New Black

What makes a trend? Why do people become attracted to the same thing? It is because they have similar tastes or do they want to look like someone else. Clothing is said to be a reflection of self. If people wear the same trend, the way one wears it makes them different from the others.
Black is a staple in wardrobes everywhere. It is a trend that keeps coming back. The major international store H&M has this video about black being fashion’s favorite color on their website.

My favorite store is Forever 21. This all black outfit from the store’s website is an outfit I like and would wear.

Black is a color that can be seen as dark as in Goth culture. This outfit is not a Goth outfit. Although black can point to Goth here it points to rock or a tough attitude. The girl wearing the outfit is not pale which is associated with Goth and a blonde with natural looking makeup. The accessories of the outfit have no spikes or have chains, rather just a pop of metallic to go with the outfit. The look is the trend in fashion of blending opposites. The feminine mixed with tough girl trend rather than Goth or dark. The jacket is labeled by the website as a biker jacket and the dress a lace dress. A biker can be seen as someone who is tough while lace is seen as something delicate.
The look is also a going out look. A woman in a dress can signify some type of occasion. Women are told by fashion experts to have a LBD, little black dress, in their closet. In this instance the occasion could be a night out. It could be a club, bar, or concert. This outfit is acceptable at all of those places. The look goes with the dress code of a night out look with the model in a dress and heels. Magazines and celebrities who exemplify an edgier look like Rihanna have made black and tough looks a trend.
Clothing is a expression of self. The way a person wears clothing and views clothing reflects that person. What is Goth to one person can be hip-hop to another. Take the store Hot Topic for example. The store has had the reputation of being a Goth/rock store but now people who have an urban style shop at the store. What is stylish to one person can be different for another. Yet there are trends and dress codes that we must follow and others that are not acceptable. A trend is a trend for the reason that is it an acceptable type of style for a period of time. Most people want to look acceptable and be accepted.