Thursday, May 5, 2011

Media is more than images right Media module?

I downloaded the Media module to see if I could create a video field for Yoxview. The media module can add media into any textarea. This requires Wysiwyg module. The module can also add media field and mass importing of files. I could only get images to upload using this module. 
  1. I downloaded Media, Styles module, and Media:YouTube module since I wanted to display a youtube video. 
  2. To add or try to add video as a field I went to configuration/media/types. I choose video, audio, image, and other types. 
  3. Then I went to my Yoxview content type since I was trying to add video to Yoxview. I added a video content field with multimedia asset field type. 
  4. I then clicked on my Yoxview content type, scrolled down to the new video field and tried to upload a youtube video. The popup screen said paste url or embed code here from supported provider. The supported provider was youtube so I tried to copy both the link of the video and embed code. Both did not work.

Rereading documentation they said to add the field to an article content type. I tried this and this time it would let me upload the video url but it uploaded it as a link only. Then when I clicked the link up popped code. 

I can upload images using these module. I can upload from my images folder. 
This module is still in beta and and on the drupal page for the module it does say there are some critical issues that still need to be fixed. This module does seem like an easy to use module when everything does work properly. 

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