Thursday, May 5, 2011

5 stars for Rate Module

     After switching the idea for my site after difficult modules that do not want to work or just couldn't figure out how I felt a sigh of relief. This came from a simple module called Rate. Simple is good sometimes. 
     Rating can be used on many different types of websites. It is a good way to see what visitors to your site think about a topic or idea.

The Rate module is as simply named as it is easy to use. You can choose from 6 different widget types. 

  • Thumbs up
  • Thumbs up / down
  • Fivestar
  • Emotion (this makes me mad, angry...)
  • Yes / no
  • Custom

All you need to do is upload the module along with the Voting API
I found this helpful video on Youtube.

Basically after everything is installed and enabled you can choose which widget you want to use, modify it, and then assign it to a content type. I did this for my fashion content and Yoxview content type which I will talk about soon. 
5 stars to Rate for simplicity and ease. 

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