Monday, February 8, 2010

Forbidden Access

   There are no rules. At least not many in American cyberspace. One can Google anything they want. This is not the case in China. The Chinese government that already has the reputation of constraint, bans certain internet searches and sites. Should the U.S. government have the same right. I believe the government should have the same right but only on subjects of security.

Free flow of information is essential and a right to citizens. The internet is the largest source of information. One should be able to find information that is non bias or swayed. China has banned websites on a banned spiritual movement and pro-democracy websites. There have been 136,000 non-registered sites and 1.5 million pieces of information banned. More have probably been added by the day. There are even paid commentators who comment for the government on those who criticize the Chinese government. The Chinese are trying to guide their people toward one way of thinking and only expose them to what they want them to be exposed to. I believe one should have an open mind and not be swayed. 

The only things I believe should be banned by the U.S. government on the web are information such as how to build a bomb or wiretap a phone. These deal with issues of security. Why would one want to know how to build a bomb anyway? The people who should know, perhaps a bomb squad, will found out in training. There is no need to have that information on the internet. 

Wiretapping ones phone is an invasion of privacy. Sure there are big brother cameras now but they are not meant to invade. One should not have the information to wiretap another phone. Unless again, it deals with their job like the police. The government should not abuse their capabilities as well. 

Certain websites and searches in schools should be banned for obvious reasons.  The youth of this country do not need to know how to make a bomb. Elementary school students do not need to be able to search violent images or pornography. 

America is based on freedom. Freedom should extend to the internet. Yet certain things should be banned to protect our freedom and Americans. No one wants a child to have a bomb in their backpack.  

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