Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Career Aspirations

A poor little country girl gets run over by an arrogant hip-hop star only to saved by a self-professed “diva” (definition of a hustler). Not to mention blood on stage and questionable face masks. Expect nothing less from MTV’s Video Music Awards for these types of moments are regular occurrences in today’s entertainment industry. I want a career in today’s entertainment industry.
I have always loved music ever since I was little. I remember watching MTV as far back as I can remember. I do not know if watching MTV when one is young is a good thing but I know I watched it for the music, back when they had music. Whenever asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I never said a doctor, teacher, or any of those occupations that have children toys based on them. I always replied that I wanted to be a singer. As I got older I realized a successful singing career or at least a career involving thousands of screaming fans and worldwide tours was more of a dream than reality. Instead of being on stage why not work behind the scenes with the celebrities.
This thought brought me to my current career path. There are many jobs in the entertainment industry but I have narrowed it down to a few. Public relations and being a publicist interests me for the reason that I believe promoting a person, product, and business would be something that I would be good at and would enjoy. Similar to marketing as well I believe I know or can learn what the public wants and market that product to them and get their attention. Working at a record company grabs my attention as well seeing as I have a passion for music. I am also interested in television. In being the on-air talent, an entertainment reporter so I can witness Lady Gaga’s unique wardrobe up close on the red carpet and then report on all the shocking events the next day. Or to research and write the entertainment stories of the day since I look them up or watch them everyday anyway. Fashion as I see it intermixes with entertainment or is a part of entertainment. Celebrities are always asked who they are wearing or photographed for their outfit choices. Public relations and marketing dealing with fashion are also careers I have in mind.
My career path has never changed since I was young. Entertainment, celebrities, music, and people have always been the major interests of mine. People say do a job that you like or love and I wouldn’t like to do anything else. Promotion, marketing, and entertainment journalism are my fields of interest. Moreover many celebrities are branching out in ways like having more businesses. Or many media businesses are under one brand. Media mogul would be the top dream career of mine. Oprah is getting older, yet someone I admire, people like Diddy are just annoying, and most major media companies are headed by older men. Someone else can come along and fill their shoes.

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