Sunday, November 6, 2011

CAPSTONE: Plugged Everywhere

    What to plug in a website? Plug in plugins for a WordPress site. When researching for WordPress plugins several appear list after list. Whether its the 8 essential WordPress plugins, 16 essential plugins, 32 essential plugins or 15 incredible plugins these plugins keep popping up for every blog/website needs certain necessary parts to be successful.

Top Essential Plugins:
       1. Sitemap - A sitemap is needed to find the pages of your site easily by a search engine. 
        2. Analytics - Analytics is imperative to have a successful site. It allows one to track visitors to a site and what they do. In return one can see what works and what is popular on their site.

        3. SEO - A SEO plugin is needed to be seen above everyone else. It helps ranks one site for it is a search engine optimization site. 
        4. Contact Form - A contact form is needed on a site for visitors to be able to contact the makers of the site instead of leaving an email address. 
        5. Cache - A cache plugin is needed to keep one’s site performance up and keep loading times fast. 
        6. Spam - No one, the makers or readers of a site, wants spam on a site. There are plugins for spam checking. 
Plugin: Akismet
        7. Comments - Conversation is key to keep a blog or website alive. There are plugins to keep the conversation going or to just say thank you. 
Plugins: Subscribe to Comments Reloaded / Reply Me - send email for reply to one’s comment
                Thank Me Later - sends email to everyone who leaves a comment

    There are thousands of WordPress Plugins to choose from for a site. These are essential the rest are up to the admin to choose. Think of plugins that will electrify one’s site.